When I pulled the Great Switcheroo that resulted in Radio Silence being trunked and When Heaven Fell being submitted in its place, the contract I signed, as was usual in those days, included what’s called an “option book.” Publishers aren’t compelled to buy them, and often don’t, and the sad fact is, Radio Silence was the option book for Dark Sky Legion at Bantam. Since it’d already been withdrawn from Warner Aspect, I needed something else.I have a vivid memory of sitting in Betsy Mitchell’s very nice Manhattan office one day in late 1993, telling her all about the epic tale I was concocting about an exploration of interdimensional travel in something called the Multiverse. I think I tried to babble about Bohm’s Alternative to the Standard Model while I was at it, and eventually she asked me what I planned to call this fine story.Well, sez I, my working title is The Space-Time Juggernaut.Imagine the look on her face.So I blurted, But I think The Transmigration of Souls would make a much better title.Yes it would.So it was.And where did that title come from (other than certain ancient Greeks and Hindus)?
What do You think about The Transmigration Of Souls?