The palmtop. So we can rule out the two laptops, which leaves us with eight names of interest,” Jens said. Everyone except Hannu Rauhala was present at the Friday afternoon briefing; he had agreed to swap shifts with Fredrik Stridh, so would be on duty all weekend. “When can we have these names?” Tommy Persson asked. He looked very pleased with the results of Irene’s surveillance. Even if none of the eight men were on any of their databases, the team would take a close look at them. The chance to follow up on specific names always felt like a breakthrough in an investigation. “Not before the beginning of next week,” Jens replied. “In that case we’ll just have to be patient,” Superintendent Thylqvist said, smiling sweetly at Jens. She made a point of looking down at her wrist and her designer watch, which had no numbers on its face. “I have to leave very shortly, but I’d just like to say that this has been a very positive week.