There was a boy, sitting behind a desk, probably a student or a servant. Not a threat. He looked petrified, and faintly comic. “Where’s the library?” Genseric asked. The boy stared at him; scared, half-witted, maybe both. “The library,” Genseric repeated slowly. “Big room full of books. Well?” The boy struggled for a moment, then said, “Sorry, don’t know.” Didn’t know or wasn’t telling; actually, didn’t know was entirely possible, given the look on his face. Not just gormless; rather, a bottomless pit into which gorm falls and is utterly consumed. “Oh, for God’s sake,” Genseric snapped, and slammed the door. There were three more doors in that section of wall. One opened on a steep staircase and the other two were locked, and there simply wasn’t time— Come on, Genseric told himself, the most famous library in the known world, it’s got to be somewhere. Damn this place to hell. Why couldn’t someone have dug up a floorplan? Why couldn’t there be any signs?
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