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Read The Unclaimed Baby (2010)

The Unclaimed Baby (2010)

Online Book

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The Unclaimed Baby (2010) - Plot & Excerpts

Bronte’s head was still spinning from the arguments she’d had with her mother over her acceptance of Luca’s proposal. But in the end Bronte had refused to budge, knowing that if she said no to Luca she would not see Ella again.
He had made it perfectly clear: she was to marry him or suffer the consequences. It wasn’t much of a choice, but then a secret part of her couldn’t help but think of what life would be like married to him. That passionate interlude, which had left her body still smouldering in its wake all this time later, made her realise their marriage was not going to be the sterile paper agreement she had first thought. Even that evening at his hotel, even though he had only pressed his mouth to her wrist, she had felt every sensory nerve in her body stirring to throbbing, aching life.
However, since that night Luca had kept his distance physically. He kept their conversations brief and businesslike. He didn’t touch Bronte once, not even to give her a kiss of greeting or goodbye.

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