What do You think about The Walking Dead, Volume 10: Ciò Che Diventiamo (2011)?
Arbitrarily dipping back into two-star territory, because the oft-criticized dialog is pretty glaring here. Even when a huge herd of zombies encroaches on the gang's new Edenic Sanctuary (TM) it's all "You move the truck" and "We need to go get our guns" and "Where's Carl at?" One begins to appreciate far more the comic book creators who can tell a story with an economy of words.Cue omniscient narrator: "is random man on the Internet losing interest in a comic book? Was it Stockholm Syndrome all along? Tune in tomorrow or possibly next week for another navel-gazing review full of wiseacre mockery and borrowed ideas!"
Bullet Review:Add to the pile of disturbing imagery and plot lines "attempted child rape" and "death by drill bits". Abraham is, by far, the most likeable character (though, please, that Sally Sob Story is just over-the-top); Rick a raging hypocrite. I feel like points of this were pointless, such as the trek for weapons (but they lost the truck) and an annoying character's attempted suicide (but don't worry, it only takes 2.5 seconds of offscreen thinking to make things ALL BETTER).Still mildly interested in where they go from here as we *gasp* get answers about how this THING happened.
Holy shit a herd