The Lemmings item had little story to go with the pictures but the location was enough to draw the attention of Jami Shastri, who almost choked on her veggie burger when she heard it. She was on the telephone to Harley Thyssen before she had fully recovered from her coughing fit. “It’s exactly the same place as the previous eruption occurred, Harley,” she was gasping. “You think there’s a connection,” he wondered. “I’m sure there is.” “Well, that oughta up our funding submission.” * By the time New Zealand descended into the gloaming, the wild speculation that these unfortunate suicidal souls had been apparently affected by a volcanic eruption three months earlier was included with the pictures. A cold chill passed through the body of Felicity Campbell when she heard two nurses talking about the Canary Islands, but she was on her way to an emergency and had no time to ask questions. When she passed the patient through to theatre, the surgeon remarked to his intern about the silly buggers that walked straight off the cliff.