He sat up and looked about, but the room was cloaked in darkness. He couldn’t determine where he was. The last thing he recalled was Kazru leaving to meet the three males and the visions coming unabated. There was something else, but he couldn’t grasp ahold of it. “You’re awake.” Khal turned toward the voice, but could see nothing. He tried to hear over the erratic beating of his own heart. Very faintly, he heard someone breathing. “Who’s there?” A small light turned on. It wasn’t bright, but was still a shock to Khal’s eyes. After a moment, his sight returned. He looked around the room and saw the most handsome shifter he’d ever laid eyes on. One of the three from his visions. Tyron. How Khal knew the name he wasn’t sure, but he knew it all the same. There were many things he knew without rhyme or reason over the years, so there was no point worrying over that. “You’re Tyron, cousin to Drayden, the male who took Prince Agarri.” Tyron’s eyes widened imperceptivity, the only part of him to show any reaction at all.