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Read The Wicked One (2001)

The Wicked One (2001)

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0380809095 (ISBN13: 9780380809097)
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The Wicked One (2001) - Plot & Excerpts

The bluest of blood; the boldest of hearts; the de Montforte brothers will take your breath away.Meet Lucien de Montforte ...The head of his noble family, the dark and dangerous Duke of Blackheath spends his time manipulating other lives without giving a thought to finding a wife of his own. Yet Lucien must admit he finds exquisite Eva de la Mouriére most intriguing. What adventurous, red-blooded male would not be intrigued by a flame-haired beauty who appears in his chambers demanding that he make love to her? Certainly this hot-tempered minx would make a delightful bedmate —- though surely not a bride.Eva knows Lucien is the cause of all her current misfortunes, yet he refuses to be humiliated. But the worst betrayer is her own heart. No match for Lucien's seductive mastery, Eva craves the blackguard as she's never craved another. She must resist this rogue, but how long can she deny her own passion—or Lucien's blossoming genuine love—in the face of his scheming family's successful attempts to force a wedding?

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