They conducted no experiments, and instead devoted their time to talking about and remembering their fallen friend. Barbara explained to her group how she had sensed the peril that Travis faced while she was driving home, but that she didn’t realize the warning was for him and not her. Valerie also admitted how sudden terror and phantom pains had overcome her, immobilizing her on her doorstep at the instant Travis died. “It’s as if he were calling out to us for help,” she surmised, “but we just couldn’t interpret the signs.” Doctor Lieberman empathized, noting the paradox of their situations. “You people are in a unique position to feel the pain of others,” he told them. “However, you mustn’t confuse your gift for being able to remain in spiritual touch with other souls as being your responsibility for stopping that which is clearly out of your physical control.” Sadly, few found solace in his words. It was during those first few days that my partner, Detective Carlos Rodriquez, and I interviewed everyone in Doctor Lieberman’s workshops and found no cause to suspect any of them in Travis’ murder.