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Read The Wummin: The Glasgow Chronicles 5

The Wummin: The Glasgow Chronicles 5

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Toddybear Publications

The Wummin: The Glasgow Chronicles 5 - Plot & Excerpts

  “Helen, ur ye saft or whit?   How wid ye get oot tae Polmont and back tae support Issie and Stan in time?  Ye’ll jist hiv tae get used tae the idea that yer wee spotty-arsed boy-child is noo a man and responsible fur his ain actions.  Christ, don’t even think ae turning up and gieing him a showing-up in front ae the other wee thieving basturts that ur getting oot at the same time as him.  He won’t thank ye fur it.  And another thing, ye better start thinking aboot clearing aw the shite oot ae his bedroom while ye’re at it, though Ah don’t suppose we’ll see him back here fur mair than five minutes wance he dis get oot,” Jimmy hid said.
      She knew Jimmy wis right.  He’d always been the pragmatic wan between them, while her fuel hid always been high octave emotion.  She operated at a hunner miles an hour, while he meandered fae the hoose tae his job and back again.  He enjoyed sitting oan that arse ae his wae his paper in front ae the telly, while she, apart fae watching Coronation Street, preferred tae be sitting through in the kitchen, planning her next attack oan they Sheriff officers or the looney tunes doon in The Corporation.  Jimmy never went oot, and if he did, it wis always wae her tae a do ae her choice, whether it wis tae the pub or roond tae wan ae her pals’ hooses.  She widnae say he wis content, under the circumstances, bit he seemed tae take maist things in his stride, until she pushed him too hard.  When his gasket blew, he didnae haud back and gied it tae her in the neck swiftly.  The suggestion by The Reverend Flaw and his wife, Susan, that she might want tae think ae staunin fur Dick Mulholland’s vacant seat hid been like a bolt oot ae the blue.  The Reverend hid embarrassed her by saying that he’d asked aboot in Springburn as tae who people went tae fur help, and a lot ae people hid mentioned her.  Oan the way hame, she’d been kicking hersel fur no challenging him oan who’d said whit.  She suspected that it hid been Issie and the rest ae the lassies that he’d spoken really an unbiased straw-poll in anywan’s book.  Susan hid pleaded wae her tae gie it a bit ae thought, even efter she’d telt them she knew nothing aboot politics.

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