The words 100% VEGAN CUISINE labeled the side of the vehicle. They walked through the halls of the glass building until they reached a large room with all sorts of rare and beautiful flowers. Toward the back of the room, they saw Madison, Ozzie, and a young man who was sitting on the ground in yoga position with his legs crossed. His hands rested on his knees, making “okay” signs with his fingertips. Zack raised his eyebrows at the meditating vegan. “Is he okay?” “Yeah,” Madison said. “Apparently he does this a lot.” “He claims to be warding off the dark spirits of zombieism,” Ozzie said. Is this dude for real? Zack thought, propping the stack of ginkgo water against the glass wall. “Welcome . . .” The man’s voice resounded through the greenhouse. “Come, friends. Join me.” “This guy is going to be perfect.” Rice smiled. “What’s his deal?” “His name is Egon Furlong,” Ozzie informed them. “He’s a hundred percent pure vegan, and he drives that food truck parked out front.”
What do You think about The Zombie Chasers #4 (2013)?