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Read TheAngryDoveAndTheAssassin (2013)

TheAngryDoveAndTheAssassin (2013)

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eXtasy Books

TheAngryDoveAndTheAssassin (2013) - Plot & Excerpts

When he saw the mess that waited for him there, a small whimper passed his lips.
Fabric and equipment lay everywhere. Most of the benches and tables were upended. Some of them were broken and in splinters. He didn’t even want to think about the condition that his sewing machines might be in.
Alger and Hales came up behind him. Alger let out a low whistle. “This place got hit bad.”
“Don’t worry. We’ll help you clean up,” Hales assured him.
“I don’t even know if there is anything worth cleaning up,” Caley said as he brought his hand to his stomach.
“We won’t know unless we try,” Alger pointed out, ever the reasonable one. “Now where do you want us to start?”
“I guess with the fabric. We can see what is salvageable, then work from there.”
Hales and Alger began to pick through the fabric. Folding the good stuff and tossing the charred pieces to the side. Meanwhile, Caley shuffled over to one of his machines and began to look it over.
He was still as sore as hell, but he felt a lot better than the day before.

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