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Read They All Fall Down

They All Fall Down

Online Book

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Delacorte Press

They All Fall Down - Plot & Excerpts

I want to replay everything, every word, every image that is burned into my brain. But I fail; all I can do is remember one face, one sentence, one life-changing piece of information. Of course, he talked quite a bit more than you. Right up to the very end. Over and over the words play in my head until we’re pulling into my driveway. I’m relieved that the house is dark and there’s no sign of Mom’s car, but she’d texted me that she was still with Dad. That’s good because she probably wouldn’t be thrilled that I brought Levi home—on a motorcycle, no less. “So tell me everything this guy said to you,” Levi says as he pulls out a kitchen chair. “He talked about … my brother.”“What?” I didn’t reply right away, knowing that if I share anything with Levi, I have to share everything. I take a shaky breath. “Jarvis … or whoever that man was …”“Yeah?”“He knew my brother.”He waits for me to continue, but I’m still battling how much I want to reveal.

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