Stella could not believe her eyes. They had been back at her home for only moments and the real Beldarq idol was in her hands. And it wasn’t supposed to be. It was supposed to be at the Queensland Museum with people pressing their noses against its nice, shiny glass case and oohing and ahing over it. They had stuffed up big time.
“What?” Kit stiffened. He knew what was going to come next.
Stella was smart. It wouldn’t take her long to work it out.
Stella pulled the other idol out of the duffel bag and compared both stones statues. She remembered what Kit had said about one looking too perfect and the other not looking perfect enough. In one hand she knew she held a fake and the other she was certain was the real idol. She weighed them up thoughtfully. The perfect one wasn’t in the bag. That meant it could only be in one place. The museum.
“This one’s fake but this one’s real.” Bloody hell. They had swapped the wrong one. Stella looked into Kit’s eyes in alarm. He didn’t look alarmed.