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Read Thread Of Death (2012)

Thread of Death (2012)

Online Book

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1451685327 (ISBN13: 9781451685329)
Pocket Books

Thread Of Death (2012) - Plot & Excerpts

This short story takes place a few weeks after Mab’s death, during Mab’s funeral. It is mostly in Gin’s POV, but we also have sections in Jonah McAllister and Phillip Kincaid’s POV’s. It makes a connection between the fight between Gin and Mab and the buildup for the next book. Kincaid’s thoughts are especially important. Gin has barely recovered and still getting her strength back when there is several attempts on her life at the cemetery. In my opinion, Mab’s coffin is a little gaudy, but then so was she. I wonder if she’d picked it out ahead of time. I would think so, but that would be admitting that she might die. Fave scenes: Gin getting the sniper out of the tree and Owen’s conversation with Phillip. Another novella in this series but this one was different because showed different POVs during the events of Mab funeral. We can see Gin, Jonah McAllister and Phillip Kincaid thoughts.This was a fast and full of action scene. We can see several underground bosses trying to occupy Mab’s place, but for one day the decided to play nice and visit the funeral. Including the one second hand of Mab, Jonah McAllister, now unemployed and looking for a new boss.Everything was going fine when a sniper decide to sharp shooting at Gin and a few other Bosses, so of course everyone ducked for cover and Gin did her best. But unfortunely he didn’t share the name of his employer.Things are not over and after Gin says her final words to the finally deceased Mab Monroe, a few dwarfs decide to finish Gin. Another attack and we can see Gin in action. Phillip Kincaid was still on the area and is now convinced about the Spider real name. looks like trouble is coming in Gin’s way.

What do You think about Thread Of Death (2012)?

Not bad for a short story. Definitely looking forward to reading the next book. By a Thread.

Very short story. Not much to it.

I despise the word "lover"..

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