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Read Three By Cain: Serenade, Love's Lovely Counterfeit, The Butterfly

Three by Cain: Serenade, Love's Lovely Counterfeit, the Butterfly

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Three By Cain: Serenade, Love's Lovely Counterfeit, The Butterfly - Plot & Excerpts

It remained there exactly as they had left it, until they thought they would go insane.The newspapers shrieked the story of Caspar’s escape from the officers. They told how he had brought them to the Columbus, on the assurance that his wealth was stored in a vault there; how he had led them to a room, sat them down, and spun a knob in the wall; how a panel had then opened, and how he had stepped through it, while the officers watched; how the panel had rolled into place behind him, and they had sat there for a full minute before waking up to what had happened; how they had then spent the next ten minutes making their escape from a locked room, via the cornice that ran around the building; how Caspar had appeared in the lobby and calmly greeted his friends; how he had sauntered back to the storage garage, got into his armored car, lit a cigar, commented that it looked like snow, driven out to the street, and vanished.Details of the man-hunt that had been organized to capture him were published in succeeding editions.

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