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Read Three Graces

Three Graces

Online Book

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Notting Hill Press

Three Graces - Plot & Excerpts

I still find it hard to believe that I’m a married woman. After a wedding night in the West Turret Bedroom at Amberley - another Bretton tradition - we journeyed up to the Highlands to Glentorran Lodge. It was wonderful if chilly. I was trying desperately not to think of girlfriends who’ve honeymooned in Barbados, the Seychelles and Hawaii, and content myself with miles of violet heather and a wind that did its best to skin me alive. And I tried not to think about scuba diving in crystal waters and sunbathing on sugared sand, and threw myself into ten-mile hikes.
When we got back to Amberley, we were greeted by Cecily and Evie. I say greeted, but I still haven’t experienced anything approaching warmth with Cecily. Evie is an absolute sweetheart, though, and presented me with a beautiful bunch of flowers from the estate.
It’s taken me a while to settle in because I’m still not sure how I’m to fit in at Amberley. Richard and I have our quarters and the duke and duchess have theirs but there doesn’t seem to be any guidelines as to what to do about the space in between.

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