Throttle MC: A Stepbrother Romance - Plot & Excerpts
Shc careened into a spot, slammed on the brakes, and was out of the car and running toward the clubhouse entrance in an instant. The look on her face was a mixture of fury and fear. I had never seen her like this before. “Shit,” I muttered, and followed her into the clubhouse. “Where’s Lon?” she was calling out in a high, shaking voice when I walked through the door. She was striding toward a couple of the club whores, the only people in sight at the bar. “I dunno,” replied Amber, a tall, leggy brunette with sleepy eyes. “Maybe in there?” she added, pointing a lazy arm toward the back office. “Lon’s not here,” I said, covering the space between Hadley and me in a couple of strides. “What’s going on?” “It’s Lucy’s cousin, Tina!” she said, and now that I was close to her, I saw that tears were streaming down her cheeks. “She died of an overdose last night. A meth overdose,”
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