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Read Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, And Madness At The Dawn Of Hollywood

Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, and Madness at the Dawn of Hollywood

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Tinseltown: Murder, Morphine, And Madness At The Dawn Of Hollywood - Plot & Excerpts

That was the nickname she’d given Arbuckle’s wife, Minta Durfee, back when they were all just kids, jumping out of cars and slipping on banana peels for Sennett’s Keystone pictures. In those days, Mabel had nicknames for everybody. Arbuckle was Big Otto, after the elephant at the Selig Zoo in Lincoln Park. Roscoe hated being called Fatty, but he was fine with Mabel calling him Big Otto. He knew she said it with love.
By now, Big Otto and Mintrattie had separated, but they remained good friends. When Mabel got her on the phone, Durfee was preparing to head to San Francisco, where Roscoe was being held at the city jail as lawyers fought over his bail. Mabel told Mintrattie she knew Big Otto was innocent. Surely everyone would see that eventually.
But the world had changed since those carefree, prewar Keystone days, before Tinseltown had become a corporate behemoth. Certainly Mabel had changed. She was on her annual sojourn back East, once again staying at the Ritz. Nearly a year had passed since her rehab at Glen Springs.

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