An understanding of these tactics, many of which are complex, is a requirement of success. We shall begin with the best method of arriving on the battlefield.” -The Superhero Trainee Guide (Third Edition), Chapter Six. “Keep moving, keep thinking, hit hard and stay alive. That’s all.” -Extract from Dark Fire’s three-page training manual read at his trial. I wake up in the cramped delivery pod just as it hits turbulence. The whole pod is shaking so violently that I wonder if something has broken. There are no screens in the pod, just little rows of lights above my head. Most are green, but a few are orange and one is red. “Is that bad?” I shout, but there is no answer. I don’t know if the red light is a problem. I don’t know very much at all, really, except that I wish I wasn’t here and that all this shaking makes me feel terrible. There is nothing for me to do but hold onto the handles as tightly as I can, shut my eyes and hope for the best. I wonder what will happen if I throw up in my helmet.
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