said Tru. She was curled in one corner of the sofa, her bare feet tucked under the hem of her nightgown. She held a mug of coffee in her hands and continued to look around as she drank. Cobb was still eating breakfast at the table, but he leaned back in his chair holding a strip of bacon between his fingers and joined Tru in her thoughtful inspection of her surroundings. “Huh. I don’t think there’s a place here where we haven’t made love.” “Cobb Bridger!” Grinning, he glanced over at Tru. “You’re blushing like a maiden schoolmarm, and I know darn well you were thinking the same thing.” “I was not.” “Liar.” She wrinkled her nose at him. “Nobody likes a know-it-all.” Cobb was still grinning as he bit off the end of the bacon strip. “How did you convince Mrs. Sterling to let Walt bring our breakfast up here?” “I thought you did it.” “I wish I had, but I didn’t. I suppose that means Walt’s going to be in trouble with her.” “It might have been her idea, you know.