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Read Trust In Me: A Biker Erotic Romance (Dark Riders MC)

Trust in Me: A Biker Erotic Romance (Dark Riders MC)

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E-Book Publishing World

Trust In Me: A Biker Erotic Romance (Dark Riders MC) - Plot & Excerpts

We follow it to the place where I buy my tires. Then, Charlie takes me home while they fix me up. We are walking up the path to my door when Charlie puts a hand on my stomach, indicating I should stop. “Wait here a minute,” Charlie says quietly before walking the last half-dozen steps up to my front door. He doesn’t pull his gun which I know he has on him, but he looks like he wants to.
      When he reaches my door, he gives it a gentle push without touching the knob. When the door swings open, I can feel my heart leap into my throat. Charlie holds his hand up for me to wait. Then, he does pull his gun from its hidden holster. Easing the door open, Charlie squeezes inside.
      I hardly breathe until Charlie steps out a few minutes later, the gun once again out of sight. “The place is empty. It looks alright to me, but you need to come see what’s missing.”
      I carefully look the house over, but can’t find anything out of place.

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