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Read Twilight At The Well Of Souls (1986)

Twilight at the Well of Souls (1986)

Online Book

3.97 of 5 Votes: 4
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0345344081 (ISBN13: 9780345344083)
del rey books

Twilight At The Well Of Souls (1986) - Plot & Excerpts

Like another reviewer here on GoodReads, I initially read this series out of order. The title "The Return of Nathan Brazil" grabbed my attention one day in my first year of college. Luckily, all but the last two books in the series can be read independently of the rest. Once I had gobbled up "Return", I quickly tracked down the rest of the five. I've been rereading them ever since.This is one of few examples of an author who can sustain an interesting storyline over five titles. Most lose steam as they attempt to complete a basic trilogy. Although I eventually began to find Chalker's themes repetitive in his other series, these five books will always rank as one my top favorites in Science Fiction storytelling.

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