Hundreds if not thousands have told us that just walking briskly for thirty minutes a day can regulate our weight, lower our blood pressure, reduce stress, boost our immune systems, and stimulate our brain. As journalists routinely write, if a single pill could do all that we would all take it every morning. But somehow many of us find it hard to take the fairly small steps necessary, no pun intended, to become more active. That’s the way I feel about businesses that just don’t get it when it comes to the benefits of allowing employees to fit together work and family. Reams of research demonstrate the impact on recruitment, retention, productivity, creativity, and employee morale. Moreover, in an age of continual CEO laments about the war for top talent and of national worries about whether the American workforce is educated enough to be competitive in a digital and global economy, it’s astounding that an enormous pool of highly educated and credentialed women in their forties and fifties remain completely shut out of leadership-track positions because they chose at one point to ramp down in order to make time for care.
What do You think about Unfinished Business (2015)?