Dylan said with a sigh as he tapped the bar and slid onto a stool. Late Friday at the Wheelhouse and the crowd hadn’t gotten loud yet. The partiers would arrive in another hour or so. The majority of the population dining out at the adult-only establishment on the weekend evenings was mated couples. Bachelors and singles would begin making their way in as they finished work or after the mated pairs all rolled out. Pack life bound them together, but the two crowds didn’t always party together. “I didn’t think you were going to make it.” Joanie slid a foamy capped ice mug toward him. In her late seventies and still fighting trim, Joanie had held court behind the bar of the Wheelhouse for all of her life. Her mate owned the steakhouse itself and served as the primary cook. Joanie served the drinks along with advice. From time to time, she’d even been known to match make. “But I’m glad you did.” The twinkle in her eyes gave him a pause. “Do you have someone you want me to meet?”