The party was in full swing but she still hadn’t showed. More than one person asked him where she was, and he replied that she’d be there. She’d better be. He paced before the front windows overlooking the icy world. He hated the thought of her on these dangerous winter roads in that bean-can of a car. She should at least have four-wheel drive and some thicker steel to protect her from an accident. “Hey, Dorsey, what are you going to do without Osborn? You hiring?” He turned to talk to the man who addressed him. He vaguely remembered the man’s name, though they all knew each other in this part of the country. They’d grown up together, and living in a small town meant everyone knew everyone else’s business. “We’ll have to see how business is in the spring. We’re slowing a bit now that it’s the holidays.” Mason hitched a thumb in the pocket of his jeans and cast another look at the windows. No sign of Eva. “Well, keep me in mind,” the man said. “I’ve been out of work at the mill for a couple months and jobs are hard to come by.”
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