Damian was annoying, but Nick is awesome, I was rooting for William/Jeff and Sal/John but it didn't happened.as usual this book suffers from the Amber complex, and that is the book feels cramped, like too much happens at the same time and not everything is well explained or treated correctly, still it was an enjoyable read.Nick, William & Simon made the book, it was hilarious watching them.Max was stupid to no end. I get so frustrated with short stories.. even though this one is as short as most.. this left me feeling like there could be sooooo much more to the story.. I guess it's the 'abridged' feeling. Something I'd like to say is that I DID enjoy this story, and there was some great phrasing with in the story. I just fell like I didn't really get a good introduction to the characters. So with in the story, we don't really know who they are, what thier status is, the friendship levels.. Overall I would have gone to four stars on this but as I said, it's the 'abridged' feeling holding me back.