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Read Wedded In Passion

Wedded in Passion

Online Book

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Wedded In Passion - Plot & Excerpts

I grabbed the woman, now my ex-friend, by the hair and slapped her hard across the face twice.
Lenzy swung her hands up trying to protect her face as she screamed. “Katherine…this is not what—”
Straddling the woman’s squirming body, I smacked her again for the lie she was about to tell. Why was it that when people were caught they always attempted to tell the person who caught them it wasn’t what it looked like. “Your naked ass is in bed with my fiancé. It looks just like what it is.”
“Katherine, stop…listen.”
The male voice shouted.
Before I could swing on the girl again, I was grabbed hard around the waist and dragged off her. Going ballistic, I kicked and thrashed against the arms around me. There could only be one person holding me and that was the other culprit in the situation. “Get your damn hands off me.”
Still trying to hold me, as I was attempting to break away, he said, “We need to talk about—“ Twisting my body, I started at him, feeling satisfaction as my nails connected with that pretty face of his.

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