What do You think about Welcome To Camp Nightmare (2003)?
رائعة.. اسمتعت بكل لحظة قضيتها مع الكتيب، وددت أن أصل للنهاية وحين وصلت وددت ألا أنتهي..مقتبس من القصة(view spoiler)[إن والديك يريدان إصطحابك إلى مكان شديد الخطورة.. ربما يكون أخطر مكان معروف في كل هذا الكون.. ولهذا كان علينا التأكد من قدرتك على التصرف في كل الظروف!أخطر مكان في الكون؟!!سألت أبي: أين؟! إلى أين ستأخذاني معكما؟قال أبي وهو ينظر إلى أمي: انه كوكب غريب جدا! اسمه الأرض!إنه بعيد عن هنا.. بعيد جدا.. ولكنه سيكون مثيرا.. واﻷهالي فيه ما زالوا متوحشين ومجهولين.. ولم يسبق ﻷحد أن قام بدراستهم (hide spoiler)]
—أحمد الناغي
Cross-posted at: http://mgbookreviews.wordpress.com/20...Camp Nightmare is a strange story, but it certainly delivers in terms of scariness. This Goosebumps stars Mike, a normal 12 year old heading off to an overnight camp for the first time. However, his trip seems cursed from the start as the bus that was supposed to take all the kids to camp drops them off in the middle of nowhere, leaving them to be attacked by strange, dog-like creatures. They are saved by the camp director, but it seems that the troubles with this camp are just beginning. One of Mike’s campmates is bitten by a snake, but the camp has no nurse to treat him, and he disappears overnight. Slowly, members of his cabin fall victim to mysterious accidents, but the camp staff don’t seem to care. Mike finally decides he has to stand up to this callousness when the camp director orders the campers to hunt through the forest with tranquilizer guns for two run-aways. With this choice, he finds out he passed the test that his parents were putting him through in order to take him along on a scientific expedition to an alien world: Earth!The idea that a camp could exist that is so careless towards the children that it is responsible for seems pretty unlikely, and as a reader, I was trying to figure out what the catch was from the very first few pages. However, with the twist reveal at the end, suddenly the callousness and neglect makes sense, even if the plot was a bit silly. Despite the ridiculous plot, Camp Nightmare is great for scaring younger readers. Camp can be a frightening experience at the best of times, and this story plays on those fears of abandonment and danger. Camp myths turn deadly, and Mike has no adults to turn to. He must survive on his own, and stand up against those who are supposed to be protecting him. All in all, this is one of my favourite books in the Goosebumps series.
—Maggie Gordon
Like all novellas in the Goosebumps series, this one provides a good quick shot of soft horror with about a hour of estimated reading time. The main bulk of this novella is really good in creating a nightmarish, paranoid atmosphere. However, while the series is often known for its last-page plot twists, this one has an ending which leaves a rather sour taste. Please read the next paragraph for the spoiler.It is revealed that the summer camp in reality was a test arranged by the protagonist's sci
—Ekel Adolf