“Every time I tell grown-ups I’m going to start high school, they say they wish they could go back and do so many things over,” she explained weeks earlier as she sat at her keyboard typing. “So I’m making a top ten tips list.” Katie looked at me, her facial features now thin and delicate. “What would you tell kids my age?” The question alone exhausted me. “I guess I would tell you to enjoy life, to embrace every moment and focus on the journey instead of the destination.” “Yeah, I’m looking for something a little pithier,” Katie said. “Fine, tell them that passion is fleeting, but the Internet is forever.” “That’s good,” she said, tapping the keys. I thought about whether or not I was really embracing the moments in my own life. Some of them were easy, like dinner parties with William’s great cooking and a houseful of laughter. I organized theater nights for our friends.