‘This place is quite something,’ he said, arm around her shoulders as they stood in the kitchen and Owen unpacked the rest of the shopping. She’d introduced the two men, omitting the tales of trips to the supermarket with her housemate, a visit to the pub, a ride on the back of his motorbike. ‘It is,’ Rosie agreed. ‘I wasn’t sure I’d see you,’ Adam said to Owen. ‘I thought you’d be hot-footing it around the country buying up property.’ He hugged Rosie closer. ‘Not this week,’ Owen replied, halting any further conversation. She separated the two men by taking Adam outside to see the garden and the pool. With his arm still round her shoulders, he nuzzled her cheek. ‘I wanted to surprise you.’ ‘I’m glad you came.’ She wondered if Owen’s presence had propelled Adam’s little surprise as she listened to him extoll the virtues of the garden, the backdrop, the pool, the cabana.