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Read Whiskey And Wry (Sinners Series)

Whiskey and Wry (Sinners Series)

Online Book

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Dreamspinner Press

Whiskey And Wry (Sinners Series) - Plot & Excerpts

Not at four in the morning before I have to go to work and my boyfriend wakes me up to ask about him, but mostly, yeah.Do you think Damie’s in Heaven? I mean, if there’s a Heaven, you think D’s up there with God?Shit, Mick. I can’t imagine God not taking Damie, just so he’ll be there for when you go Home.—Another 4 in the Morning, Date Unknown  NEARLY a week after the shooting at Finnegan’s, Sionn began to suspect he’d seen the last of the musician. Leigh shook her head every time he came through the door. He’d spent a few minutes trying to repair the shot amp before giving it up as useless. It had about as much of a chance to work again as there was that Dee would walk through Finnegan’s doors.Sionn wasn’t going to give Leigh the satisfaction of showing he missed the man, but damn him if he didn’t find himself hunting for Dee before the week was out.Questioning other buskers did him no good. They either were woefully ignorant of other entertainers or protective of their turf.

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