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Read Why Pick On Me

Why Pick on Me

Online Book

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Random House

Why Pick On Me - Plot & Excerpts

He tapped the red post as he walked through the gate.
    “Do you want to play Mommy-Daddy?” asked Linzy.
    “No!” he snapped.
    “Ill let you be the Daddy,” said Linzy.
    “No!” he shouted. “Leave me alone!”
    Linzy burst into tears. “I’m telling on you!” she bawled. “You’re not my friend anymore! You’re not coming to my birthday party!”
    Linzy’s birthday was seven months away.
    Marvin walked into his room. He sat on his bed.
    How could he show his report card to his parents? They’d think he was disgusting too.
    He felt himself start to cry. He sniffled back the tears.
    “Even Linzy hates me,” he muttered.
    He sniffled again.
    He had sunk as low as he could go.
    He was nine years old, and his life was ruined forever.

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