This is when she’s standing in front of a product or talking directly to a salesperson with her hands on her hips, trying to decide whether to buy. At this juncture, all bets are off. It’s here, in this moment, that mistakes are frequently made and sales are lost—simply because women have different expectations of the sales process than men do.Understanding these differences can have a major impact on your closing rates. As a bonus, it’s a skill your competitors probably haven’t mastered. Freudian jokes aside, learning what women want—from a salesperson, at least—is a straightforward exercise based on understanding female culture. Whatever you’re selling, the sex of the person you’re selling it to makes an enormous difference in how your pitch is received. Even if you aren’t formally in sales, everyone is selling something. And no amount of automation can replace the fundamentals of good selling techniques.In business, selling usually occurs in one of three ways: face-to-face situations, brick-and-mortar retail establishments, and the online environment.