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Read Widow's Web (Elemental Assassin)

Widow's Web (Elemental Assassin)

Online Book

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Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Widow's Web (Elemental Assassin) - Plot & Excerpts

“Salina,” I said, moving over to grab my staff from where I’d left it on the floor by the fountain. “She’s started it already. Get out of here! Go!”
Owen shook his head. “No, I’m coming with you. Maybe there’s still a chance I can talk her out of this.”
I wanted to yell at him that it was too late for that, that Salina wouldn’t stop until everyone was dead, but it was something he had to realize for himself. “Come on, then.”
We hurried through the mansion and made it back to the side door that led out to the north lawn. The screams had quieted down by this point, and I forced myself to creep up, open the door a bit more, and peer around it.
Several giants stood on the lawn, positioned in the gaps between the bubbling fountains. Each had guns pointed in at the crowd they’d shepherded into a tight knot in the middle of the ring of fountains. Given the incredulous looks most of the folks were giving the giants, I was willing to bet these were the men Salina had stolen from the other underworld players the past few days.

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