She blinked several times to no avail and sat down to wait for Lachlan to come downstairs. Lizzie huddled over her mug of tea, miserable and tired looking. Piper felt she should say something encouraging, but couldn’t think of a single thing. And furthermore didn’t feel encouraging.Honestly, she wanted everyone to leave. She poured a tiny bit of whiskey, hoping it would calm her irritation and get rid of her headache. Settling down at the table, she surveyed her guests.Oliver had perked up considerably. Elbow to elbow with Mel at the counter, he helped her slice carrots, while she asked him question after question about his townhouse, his country house, his life. She wondered when Mellie had gained such an interest in the past, and wondered if she was interested in Oliver himself or always wanted to ask such questions of Lachlan but was too scared. Lachlan had relaxed considerably since he’d settled into this time, and was getting used to not having to be in charge of everything, but still had moments of autocratic bossiness.