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Read Worth The Risk

Worth the Risk

Online Book

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Worth The Risk - Plot & Excerpts

Seconds later, it drew back with a whoosh.
Dr. Reed looked up as Perez entered the sterile room. “You’re just in time. This latest strain is showing more promise than the others.”
Antonio looked through the glass at the two subjects chained down. “How are the subjects faring?”
“These two are stronger than the other werewolves. The small one is doing the best.
She’s…different. Her blood is different from the other one. It’s working better with the mutation.”
Antonio narrowed his gaze at the petite Spanish woman chained down. Woman.
    That word was laughable. The werewolf before him had so much unleashed power and he planned to share that power with governments willing to pay enough. If it wasn’t for the sedatives pumping through her system, he had no doubt she’d be able to bust through her restraints.
With the right formula, he was going to create super soldiers. But first, the drugs needed to be perfected. “How did the human test subjects fare with this strain?”

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