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Read Wreck You (2000)

Wreck You (2000)

Online Book

3.74 of 5 Votes: 6
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Wreck You (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

I have to say my favorite part about this book is the mickeyisms. What an original and clever spin. Maura and Corbin's relationship was hot and heavy from the start. Maura's naive about life and love due to the kind of upbringing she's had. But I think she truly figures out who she is and what she wants along the crazy ride she finds herself on. Things like 'bluejayed, a blue balled va-jay-jay' had me cracking up to balance out the heavy. I finished this book in just over a day because I had to know what happened next. Oh how I wanted to absolutely love you..... I am a major mc and marine fan. Anything that includes one of not both is sure to be a winner. Although, this didn't quite make it to spectacular. The instant love between the two characters is just such a major turn off. The number one cardinal rule for me is do not under any circumstance make characters immediately fall head over heels in a romance. This makes everything in the story to follow cheap and unnatural leading readers to question motive and validity. Everything about Wreck You oozed with potential, but with such a drastic faux pas in the first chapter I was ruined for the remainder.

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Great first effort!

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