The oversight of the MAD device had nearly ended not just her career prospects, but her life. She walked through the oil and blood stained corridors of Haven, clutching the paper scroll on which was scrawled the name of the contract, fuming at her stupidity.She placed the paper inside her solan-leather jacket and zipped it up. The jacket extended below her hips, concealing her weapons. She didn’t want any undue attention.Weaving her way through a line of eager Havenites, mostly of the human variety, dashing busily from one level to another on business of both the legit and shady sides, Kina ducked her head down and assumed the hunched aspect of a usual downtrodden member of the station. Attention did not befit a future Wraith, and to be found holding paper would have her ejected out of an airlock by a Drift—the walking shrub-like creatures that ruled over the Great Library as the Scholars Guild. To say they had a ‘thing’ for a paper was the biggest understatement in the entire system.