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Read Yankee Belles In Dixie (1995)

Yankee Belles in Dixie (1995)

Online Book

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Moody Publishers

Yankee Belles In Dixie (1995) - Plot & Excerpts

The excitement after the victory at Bull Run was still there to a degree, but the casualties of the battle were horrible. The Federals had 1,500 dead and wounded and had lost more than 1,400 as prisoners. These, Jeff learned, had been herded through Richmond, where crowds chanted, “Live Yankees! Live Yankees!”
“How many did our side lose in all, Tom?” Jeff asked. The two of them were trudging along a dusty road in a column of Richmond Blues.
It was late September now. The August heat was gone, while just over the horizon there was a hint of cold weather even this early.
Tom glanced at his younger brother. The dust coated his dark face but did not disguise his good looks. “Well,” he said thoughtfully, “we lost about two thousand killed, wounded, and captured.”
Jeff looked up, startled, “Two thousand of our men? That’s awful!”
“Yes, it is,” Tom agreed glumly. “We captured about six thousand small arms and fifty-four cannon, and lots of rounds of ammunition, but that doesn’t make up for the fellows we lost.”

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