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Read Zoo Station: The Story Of Christiane F.

Zoo Station: The Story of Christiane F.

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Zoo Station: The Story Of Christiane F. - Plot & Excerpts

Gerhard Ulber, Chief Detective and Head of the Narcotics Division in the Berlin Police Department's Drug Squad In our fight against drug abuse, the police department believes that by making every effort to restrict the supply of drugs—especially heroin—in and around Berlin, we provide an essential support to the efforts of other state agencies in offering therapy and rehabilitation to drug users and addicts. In 1976 we impounded 6.4 pounds of heroin, in 1977 it was 10.8 pounds, and in the first eight months of 1978 we've already impounded 18.5 pounds of heroin. This increase in seizures doesn't necessarily mean, however, that we're keeping up with the increased amount of drug availability and consumption in the area. In that respect, I am personally rather pessimistic. The quantities of heroin in circulation have definitely increased. Just one year ago, the arrest of a German middleman with a quarter pound of heroin would have been a small sensation. Today it's a pretty regular occurrence.

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