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A.L. Jackson books

A.L. Jackson
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Read Books by A.L. Jackson


Take This Regret (2012)

I have to say, the plot caught my attention, but it didn't keep it for long. Christen and Elizabeth are dating in college and are headed for law school, when Elizabeth finds out she's pregnant. Christen didn't take the news well and gave her an ultimatum, him or the baby. You see, Christen has a ...

Take This Regret (2012) by A.L. Jackson

Lost to You (2013)

This book. This book filled my heart with so much feeling. Take This Regret broke my heart. I wanted to hate Christian, but could not, and now, now I think I fell in love with him a bit myself. This is the story of how Christian and Elizabeth met and fell in love. And what a touching, sweet story...

Lost to You (2013) by A.L. Jackson

If Forever Comes (2000)

MEGAN'S REVIEW - I first fell in love with Christian and Elizabeth last November when I read Take This Regret, which I re-read when Lost To You was released and fell in love with their story even more. If Forever Comes is the continuation, the final chapter, in Christian and Elizabeth's story.Whe...

If Forever Comes (2000) by A.L. Jackson

Come to Me Quietly (2014)

Liebe mich dann, wenn ich es am wenigsten verdient habe … Sechs Jahre sind vergangen, seit Jared Holt aus Aleena Moores Leben verschwunden ist. Sechs Jahre, in denen Aly sich gefragt hat, was aus dem Jungen geworden ist, dessen Dämonen ihn und seine Familie zerstört haben. Sechs Jahre, in denen s...

Come to Me Quietly (2014) by A.L. Jackson

When We Collide (2012)

It is no secret that I am a HUGE A.L. Jackson fan and When We Collide is one of my absolute favorites. When We Collide tugs at the heartstrings and brings such emotion to the surface that you wont be able to put it down. A.L. Jackson is a master story teller and alternating between past and pres...

When We Collide (2012) by A.L. Jackson

Come to Me Softly (2014)

Wow Amy... Just wow!Jared and Aly... its just... i have no words on how beautiful this broken man and this sweet sweet girl are...The one thing that i am completely head over heels on how Ms. Jackson writes, is how it is almost a self monologue of each of the main characters... we are soooooooo e...

Come to Me Softly (2014) by A.L. Jackson

Enfievre-Moi (2014)

Well, I practically failed my anatomy final just because i couldn't put this book down for one second. This is a great book that I'd recommend for anyone to read! The final chapters made me sob like a baby :o I didn't think I would actually feel everything Jared went through but omg! The writer i...

Enfievre-Moi (2014) by A.L. Jackson

Kalbimin Sahibi (2013)

This wasn't the book for me. First of all, it began very slowly so I was bored nearly to death. Second, I didn't care for the subject matter. I hate reading about domestic violence. Also, I don't care for books where the couple are together, then separate for a long period of time. So with t...

Kalbimin Sahibi (2013) by A.L. Jackson

Wenn Unsere Wege Sich Vereinen (2014)

William Marsch fell in love with Maggie Krieger from the time that he first saw her. From that first moment, he wanted nothing more than to protect her from the violence that she had known her entire life, to show her just how precious she really was. And for a short time, he and Maggie shared th...

Wenn Unsere Wege Sich Vereinen (2014) by A.L. Jackson

The Regret Series Complete Collection Box Set (2000)

This series absolutely tore my heart out. I was a crying mess so many times. In the beginning I was so angry at Cristian for what he decided and threw away, but he redeemed himself to me and I fell in love with him. I thought this was the Happily Ever After. Then I keep reading...and nope it wasn...

The Regret Series Complete Collection Box Set (2000) by A.L. Jackson

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