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Read Enfievre-Moi (2014)

Enfievre-Moi (2014)

Online Book

4.13 of 5 Votes: 1
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City Edition

Enfievre-Moi (2014) - Plot & Excerpts

Well, I practically failed my anatomy final just because i couldn't put this book down for one second. This is a great book that I'd recommend for anyone to read! The final chapters made me sob like a baby :o I didn't think I would actually feel everything Jared went through but omg! The writer is incredible! I adored everything about this book and there's not a single character that annoyed me. Except for Gabe ofcourse This book was beyond 5 stars !!! This was my first read by A.L. Jackson and this did not disappoint. I've heard a lot of great things about this book, and it surely was something great. A.L. is known for emotionally packed books. This was definitely one of them.She did such a beautiful job writing this in dual p.o.v of Ally and Jared. I loved how certain chapters were flash backs to when they were kids. Which I loved the flashbacks, caused it showed how Jared and Ally, were together when they were younger. And showed bits and pieces, of what happened that made Jared the way he is now.Come To Me Quietly was a raw, emotional and unforgettable story. It was achingly beautiful read. It broke my heart reading this, and Jared oh my god, he was such a achingly beautiful, so lost in the world. He was such a heartbreaking character. He walked around with so much pain and angered. He bottled it up, and carried that around with him for six years. Jared was broken, and didn't want to be fixed, and was convinced he wasn't worth it or couldn't be fixed. He believed he didn't deserve to live, or didn't deserve the second chance much less love.Ally was a good girl, and more like a girl next door. And your typical I'm in love with my older brothers friend. I loved Ally, her character, the way she loved Jared and her determination to show him he deserved love. How she didn't give up on him. And I loved how she didn't, which she always loved him from they were kids, and showed him his worth.This whole story was heart warming, and packed with uncontrollable emotions. It was beyond well and beautifully written. You couldn't help but feel both characters pain, and suffering. As well as their love they had. I cried, and laughed and felt both their pain in this book. What an amazing read, and can't wait to dive into the sequel to their story. I would highly recommend this as well.

What do You think about Enfievre-Moi (2014)?

3.5 stars. I was disappointed with the amount of repeated words and phrases.

Another great book for a super author!!

~Tiaan – Dive Deep

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