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Read The Regret Series Complete Collection Box Set (2000)

The Regret Series Complete Collection Box Set (2000)

Online Book

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The Regret Series Complete Collection Box Set (2000) - Plot & Excerpts

This series absolutely tore my heart out. I was a crying mess so many times. In the beginning I was so angry at Cristian for what he decided and threw away, but he redeemed himself to me and I fell in love with him. I thought this was the Happily Ever After. Then I keep reading...and nope it wasn't. Then I was soooo angry at Elizabeth. She drove me batty...why she couldn't see what was right there I still don't know. It took her FOREVER to see. I almost couldn't finish this book so many times. But I kept reading and in the end I was happy. Happy to have gone through this journey as if I was really part of the lives of Cristian, Elizabeth and Lizzie. This series is the very emotional journey of two university students, Elizabeth and Christian, who meet by chance in a cafe. Elizabeth is living her dream of moving across the country to study in New York. She has worked hard all her life to get to this point and is determined that she will not let anything stand in her way, especially the distraction of a boyfriend.Christian, the rich boy who is expected to achieve highly in order to take over from his father in the family law firm. Whatever he says or does is never good enough. This is their story. Starting out as study partners then friends and then lovers, this series takes them on a journey of denial, love, hardship, difficult childhoods and ultimately, tragic loss. If you like romantic reads of second chance love, this series will tug at your heartstrings. I cried all the way through books 2 and 3 and couldn't quite believe the hardships and tragedies that these two souls went through until they finally got their HEA.A beautifully and flawlessly written series by a lady who has just joined a minority on my list of all time favourite authors.A highly recommended read!

What do You think about The Regret Series Complete Collection Box Set (2000)?

I loved the writing but couldve done without book 3.

No regrets in picking up this book!

great story!!

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