Gift from a friend. Story: Publishing industry back stabbing, who dun it murder mystery. An editor who has morals of an Alley Cat, has burned a lot of bridges. She is not a hateful person, however, she has slept with most of her friends, husbands, fiances or lovers, and is now public enemy #...
Ploeteren op pumps is een leuke chicklit. Het verhaal draait om Tess, die als haar baas overlijdt besluit om voor zichzelf te beginnen omdat ze niet met haar nieuwe bazin overweg kan. Maar dan lopen bepaalde zaken toch anders dan gedacht. Tess is geen aardige hoofdpersoon. Ze is een bitch, probee...
“My assistant told me the cunt was calling,” Felicia said by way of introduction, “but I didn’t believe even you would have the fucking gall to call me.” Felicia sounded pleased with herself. The old Tess would have taken the bait, given her a snarky riposte, and slammed down the phone. But this ...