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Beth Kery books

Beth Kery
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Read Books by Beth Kery


Because You Tempt Me (2012)

I'm not going to lie, you can't really judge this at all until you clearly read them all, because not much happened at all. We established parts of characters, we still don't quite know them. We established there's going to be hanky lanky with the leads. We established he's a dom and she doesn't ...

Because You Tempt Me (2012) by Beth Kery

Wicked Burn (2008)

Loved this was extremely romantic and the sexy scenes were very spontaneous and hot. It had a element of BDSM with tying her hands, tying her to the bed, spanking, yet didn't have the direct Dom/ sub dinaminics, yet they were clearly Dom and Sub in the bedroom. She was very submissive...

Wicked Burn (2008) by Beth Kery

Because You Are Mine: The Complete Novel (2013)

So lets get the Fifty Shades comparisons out of the way - this book is infinitely better, mostly because I didn't want to stab the main characters in the eye with a fork. Francesca actually has a backbone, and Ian was just an all round nicer person than Christian. (Although I'm still struggling t...

Because You Are Mine: The Complete Novel (2013) by Beth Kery

Because I Could Not Resist (2012)

Because I Could Not Resist, hum I guess he didn´t.This is getting hotter by the minute. Now we can clearly see that Ian as a dominant, possessive, assertive alpha male. With all the kinkiness that, that brings. After an impulse response to her tattoo situation LOL, three guys laughing about him i...

Because I Could Not Resist (2012) by Beth Kery

Because You Must Learn (2012)

If I hadn't gone to bed so late last night, and therefore started this book... I wouldn't of finished it so late. If I hadn't of finished so late (or looked at the clock) I would of kept going to the next book in the series. Other than not enjoying the location of the first "scene", I enjoyed t...

Because You Must Learn (2012) by Beth Kery

Exposed to You (2012)

Joy is an artist lucky enough to get to paint the amazing bodies of some of hollywood's A-list actors and loves her job. Her uncle works in the make-up department for a major film and needs her help with his hectic schedule demands. Joy paints the body of A-list actor Everett Hughs (without know...

Exposed to You (2012) by Beth Kery

Because We Belong (2013)

Mmm... Esta trilogía me torturó porque cuando empecé a leer el de "Cuando estoy contigo" no sabía que se trataba de la historia de Lucien así que cuando me enteré, estuve tentada a saltármela porque la relación de Ian y Francesca me tenía demasiado picada. TERMINÉ POR NO LEERLO. Punto. Es que NEC...

Because We Belong (2013) by Beth Kery

Omdat je me verleidt (2014)

I found the story-line pretty interesting, the male lead intrigued me especially with his being a fencer - and the description of him being so physically powerful was titillating. I like Francesca as well and happy that the story is written in 3rd person so that the reader is able to see the inne...

Omdat je me verleidt (2014) by Beth Kery

Porque És Minha (2013)

Bintang 3Because You Are Mine #1.Baca kisah ini sudah tiga kali tapi masih tetap tak dapat menangkap chemistry perasaan Ian dan Fransesca sepanjang lebih dari separuh cerita. Yg dapat kupahami yaitu mereka ini hanyalah pasangan sado-masokis tanpa sedikitpun rasa saling cinta (walau Fransesca nya...

Porque És Minha (2013) by Beth Kery

Porque eres mía (2013)

So, this book is not bad. Too bad.It kept me interested so it will get 3 stars. Now, when I think what to write about positive sides...I can't think of any. I'll just comment on few things that bothered me.- it is clearly a rip off of 50 shades of grey. There's a female student, nothing special ...

Porque eres mía (2013) by Beth Kery

Quello che mi lega a te (2013)

Auf dieses Buch bin ich rein zufällig beim Surfen im Internet gestoßen. Ich danke dem blanvalet Verlag, dass ich mich von diesem Buch selbst überzeugen durfte! Ich merke an, dass diese Rezension nicht ganz jugendfrei ist! Wer also mit dem Thema "Erotik" nicht offen umgeht, der hier nicht weiterle...

Quello che mi lega a te (2013) by Beth Kery

Omdat ik je niet kan weerstaan (2014)

Lo que más me puede llegar a molestar de un libro es que este inspirado en otro. Porque tendria el maldito interes, de practicamente releer la misma historia. 50 Sombras me hartó, dios, ese libro es horrible aunque seria una muuuy buena adaptacion de una novela brazilera. Me fuí, Este libro es lo...

Omdat ik je niet kan weerstaan (2014) by Beth Kery

Omdat je het moet inzien (2014)

"Because You Are Mine Part IV: Because You Must Learn" by Beth Kery is the 4th part of a novella that's been divided into 8 parts.In this part, Francesca is dealing with her feelings about the way she reacts to BDSM and Ian's control over her. It's all about sex and punishment.After a hot sexy un...

Omdat je het moet inzien (2014) by Beth Kery

Because You Haunt Me (2012)

She slicked her thumb along her lips, capturing a dollop of milk-chocolate mousse with the tip of her tongue. God, it was delicious.She glanced up when Ian tossed his napkin on the table.“That’s it. Time to go,” he said, pushing his chair back.“What?” she asked, startled by his abruptness.He came...

Because You Haunt Me (2012) by Beth Kery

Gateway To Heaven (2008)

I thoroughly enjoyed this story. I really like romances based on alpha rock-stars, that fall in love with the quiet girl-next-door. This book had that, but was done in a way that was totally different from other books I have read with this theme. I felt the author dealt with the issue of child ...

Gateway To Heaven (2008) by Beth Kery

Because You Torment Me (2012)

Fantastic! I'd be some upset of I didn't have the next to read right away!It's been apparent to me they love one another! They just have to realize it. He's satisfied in every way by her, even while he punishes her. Clearly he has met his match/mate for life. I hope it turns out that way anyways....

Because You Torment Me (2012) by Beth Kery

Because I Am Yours (2012)

In most reviews of this 8 part series, you'll see complains of paying 1.99 per part as there's only two chapters in each, as that's insanely expensive. But bitch please, who pays for books when there's internet. Yeah, I'm one of those people. Eat me. Anyway, for a book that cost me nothing but my...

Because I Am Yours (2012) by Beth Kery

Because I Need To (2012)

"I really do spoil you" "I wouldn't do this for anyone else. I want you to know that." "That's the sweetest thing you've ever said to me" (Maybe because you're the sweetest thing that's ever happened to me) He regretted not saying those words back to her... My, my Mr. Noble is starting to change ...

Because I Need To (2012) by Beth Kery

Porque Somos Um Só (2013)

I had to be patient and allow Kery to unravel this multilevel story. The relationship between Ian and Francesca was tried by external circumstances which slowly became internal. Yet, despite it all and then some Kery weaves some very explosive and emotionally intense intimate scenes. This story w...

Porque Somos Um Só (2013) by Beth Kery

Quello che voglio da te (2014)

3.5* Intriguing yet completely unrealistic for both the story and the characters. The only thing that got me going was the writing which isn't bad at all. The characters are ridiculous really, if Ian wasn't a millionaire, no woman would touch him with a barge pole, let alone forgive him so easily...

Quello che voglio da te (2014) by Beth Kery

Porque nos amamos (2014)

This was a cracking read - it had an exciting plot full of intrigue and some drama with plenty of sizzling hot sex scenes. Beth Kerry is such a good writer - you don't get the same old tired phrases wheeled out repeatedly in this but rather original observations beautifully written. Loved the end...

Porque nos amamos (2014) by Beth Kery

Il colore del piacere (2012)

I'm on the fence between 3 1/2 and 4 stars. I really liked the plot. It's not typical in that it's just about sex and control. Yes, there is lot's of sex and the hereo, Everett does take control when they have sex. But there is AN ACTUAL PLOT TOO! With other characters! I also like that he only t...

Il colore del piacere (2012) by Beth Kery

Quando Te Vejo (2014)

Very swoonworthy, HONEST, and not-your-typical-BDSM-billionaire male MC. If he were to exist in real life, I would like to know him, befriend him, poke fun good-naturedly over his adorable, quirk, no-nonsense ways, and yes, selfishly I'd like him for myself ;DBlah female MC. If she were to exist ...

Quando Te Vejo (2014) by Beth Kery

Omdat ik aan je blijf denken (2014)

I was extremely hesitant to pick up this series by Beth Kery because I wasn't a big fan at all of her previous book I read, Wicked Burn.Needless-to-say I ventured into it with wary hesitation. I was at first relieved that each book was a sort of short story that continues into the next. This was ...

Omdat ik aan je blijf denken (2014) by Beth Kery

Porque Você Me Persegue (2013)

I like this series but i have no idea why I"m paying a $1/chapter. This should be outlawed, despite the fact that I'm now invested and must go on. But I will not do this again, just in case there are other authors out there thinkng this method of publishing is to be repeated. Leaves a real bad ...

Porque Você Me Persegue (2013) by Beth Kery

Since I Saw You (2014)

CAM!Review for audiobook:Ok... so glad Cam got his own book... YES! Now the first book in this series with Lucian is just skip it... But the books with Ian and Francesca are pretty darn good.. In book 3, Ian finds out about Cam, his brother from another mother... (same daddy)... but...

Since I Saw You (2014) by Beth Kery

Omdat je me kwelt (2014)

I liked the fact Ian reminds again and again to Franscesca that a woman wears the clothes and not the other way around. I kept reading the series because I wanted to find out what happens in the end and because it is well written with many descriptions. And so they are back to Chicago. She is cur...

Omdat je me kwelt (2014) by Beth Kery

Omdat ik van jou ben (2014)

OK, so I read all 8 instalments of this in less than a day and I genuinely enjoyed them.I found Ian endearing, despite his occasional obnoxious aloofness, and I found Francesca likeable despite her occasional childish sulkiness.All in all a good story with some steamy sex scenes and interesting s...

Omdat ik van jou ben (2014) by Beth Kery

Omdat ik het nodig heb (2014)

"Because You Are Mine Part VII: Because I Need To" by Beth Kery is the 7th part of a novella that's been divided into 8 parts.In part 7, we see Ian opening up to Francesca and the next morning abruptly leaving town without telling where he is going. Francesca thinks that the reason is, because sh...

Omdat ik het nodig heb (2014) by Beth Kery

Tricked Truths (2000)

Trick, the hero, is definitely an alpha-hole - bordering on cruel to the heroine. Grace is neither a doormat nor confrontational. When people are cruel or snarky to her, she kills them with kindness or walks away (most of the time). There is a complicated and somewhat preposterous backstory bet...

Tricked Truths (2000) by Beth Kery

Sweet Restraint (2009)

I recieved this audio book as part of a Goodreads giveaway, this in no way affects my opinion or review of this audio book. Sweet Restraint was an average story when you look at nothing but the plot, it wasn't bad nor was it particularly great either. As for the character development, I found t...

Sweet Restraint (2009) by Beth Kery

Daring Time (2009)

This book was really good. I would have given it 5 stars if not for the fact that I think the ending could have been a little better, even though I certainly didn't see it coming that particular way. The story was very good, sometimes it was predictable but sometimes it fooled you and became surp...

Daring Time (2009) by Beth Kery

Paradise Rules (2009)

You have to face your past before you can truly move forward into your future.Lana Rodriguez, famed blues singer, decides to go to Waikiki with her best friend Melanie on vacation. Melanie is recovering from a recent divorce and Lana wants to be there for her. However, Lana doesn't really wish ...

Paradise Rules (2009) by Beth Kery

Make Me Risk It

He caught her ankle almost immediately, yanking her backward in the water. She broke the surface, snorting with laughter and wiping water out of her eyes.     “Too slow, sucka,” Jacob murmured. Seeing his smug smile, she splashed water in his face.     “Hey...

Make Me Risk It by Beth Kery

Make Me Desperate

She’d grown light-headed, her legs wobbly, after lying there suspended in the air and experiencing multiple, intense climaxes.     He guided her to a luxurious bathroom. The glass shower enclosure was enormous, and included a teak bench. At Jacob’s urging, Harper sat down on i...

Make Me Desperate by Beth Kery

Make Me Forever

“Jacob—”     She cut herself off when he dropped her hand and moved past her, his face rigid. She didn’t really know what to say, anyway. What could she do or say to reassure him, when she couldn’t reassure herself anymore?     What the hell is happening? &...

Make Me Forever by Beth Kery

Make Me Remember

She opened her eyes and saw the cave cast in the deep, gray gloom of early dawn. Memories shot through her, horrifying recollections of the mountain lion’s screams rolling off the walls of the cave, of how the predator had stalked them all through the night like a living nightmare.   &n...

Make Me Remember by Beth Kery

Make Me Say It

he told her, setting the bunch of black padded straps on the edge of the bed and bending to remove his shoes.     “Maybe to you it’s not.”     “You’ve never been bound during sex?” he asked, removing his socks without taking his gaze off her. He looked very...

Make Me Say It by Beth Kery

Make Me Feel

Jacob was frustrated as hell at her for that.     He was also wary, not to mention so damn curious, he thought he was going to lose it sometime soon.     Did she remember? Or didn’t she?     Sometimes, it felt like all he could do to kee...

Make Me Feel by Beth Kery

Make Me Tremble

He led her over to a double chaise lounge that included a canopy. He felt customarily unsure . . . uncertain of what he planned to do. He wanted her. Like crazy. But he couldn’t take her in the ways to which he was accustomed. Not yet. He needed to seduce her.     He certainly...

Make Me Tremble by Beth Kery

The Affair: Week 4

They returned to his sedan to retrieve his leather portfolio and the canvas bag in which she’d packed a change of clothing for tomorrow and a few other necessary items. After they’d left the car, he led her to a different elevator than the one they’d taken from the street.     ...

The Affair: Week 4 by Beth Kery

Silken Rapture: Princes of the Underground, Book 2 (2011)

The apex room had always been a comfortable retreat where the Literati liked to go to relax and meditate. He often went near dawn, when the rest of the Literati slept. That, and the magical ward he placed on the door, assured his privacy while he performed his rituals. It wasn’t a church, o...

Silken Rapture: Princes of the Underground, Book 2 (2011) by Beth Kery

Holiday Bound

she asked, giving him an irritable, exasperated glance. Her gaze stuck and remained glued to his face.“Damn,” she mumbled when the boiling water she’d been slowly pouring into his coffee pot overfilled the filter and splashed onto her hand. Suddenly Alex was beside her. He took the teapot and tos...

Holiday Bound by Beth Kery

Because You Are Mine Part III: Because You Haunt Me

Her mounting excitement wouldn’t let her. She got up before her alarm went off, made and drank coffee, ate some cereal, and showered. Staring into her closet, she felt a sinking sensation. What did she have to wear that was suited to a getaway with Ian Noble?     Since absolut...

Because You Are Mine Part III: Because You Haunt Me by Beth Kery

The Hometown Hero Returns (2011)

When they’d first arrived, Ryan had suggested that Mari go upstairs and rest following her episode of dizziness. Mari had insisted she wasn’t an invalid, and that she wasn’t going to go lay down when her brother was just returning home from a yearlong tour of duty in Afghanistan. She scolded him ...

The Hometown Hero Returns (2011) by Beth Kery

If I Trust You (If You Come Back To Me #4)

Deidre called back to Nick two hours later as they approached the stables at a slow trot, Brigit riding several yards in front of them. White Christmas lights twinkled against the gray winter sky from the trees that lined the McGraw Stables entry drive. It’d been indescribable, practicing with Ni...

If I Trust You (If You Come Back To Me #4) by Beth Kery

The Affair: Week 6

Emma’s eyes sprung open at the sound of his deep, resonant voice in her head.     Vanni looked down at her from where he sat at the edge of the bed. He wore a blue-and-white striped shirt and cobalt blue tie along with a pair of gray pants. The bangs of his brown hair had fall...

The Affair: Week 6 by Beth Kery

When I'm With You Part IV (2013)

His hand continued to move between her thighs, his finger sliding with ease in the delightfully lubricated valley between her labia, playing with her clit, prolonging her pleasure . . . coaxing more shudders from her firm, soft body.     He was going to eat her alive, she was ...

When I'm With You Part IV (2013) by Beth Kery

Because You Are Mine Part VIII: Because I Am Yours

His body immediately tightened with lust when he saw her sitting nude at the corner of the bed. She’d piled her hair onto her head and fastened the rich glory of it somehow. Her pink nipples were mouthwateringly erect, and not, he suspected, from arousal, but from chill. He’d known there was no r...

Because You Are Mine Part VIII: Because I Am Yours by Beth Kery

Because You Are Mine Part I

He traveled to New York for a two-night stay and finalized the acquisition of a computer program that would enable him to begin a new network that combined social aspects and a unique gaming application. He made his regular monthly visit to his condominium in London. While he’d been in Chicago, m...

Because You Are Mine Part I by Beth Kery

Because You Are Mine Part VI: Because You Torment Me

He’d never actually heard the mystery woman who lived across the hall from him speak, but he recognized her immediately, nonetheless.     Weird. Just her voice made his cock stir and stiffen against the cool sheets.     He’d seen her twice now, once in Loui...

Because You Are Mine Part VI: Because You Torment Me by Beth Kery

If I Can't Have You (If You Come Back To Me #3)

She set down the tray of china she’d been carrying on the kitchen counter and knelt to retrieve the jagged pieces.     “Be careful, honey. Don’t cut yourself,” Brigit advised from where she stood next to the oven, a whisk poised in her hand.     “I’m sorry,...

If I Can't Have You (If You Come Back To Me #3) by Beth Kery

The Soldier's Baby Bargain

He wondered for the hundredth time if he shouldn’t have tried to call Faith Holmes before surprising her while she was at work. If he were honest with himself, he’d have to admit he was worried that if he had called, she would have made an excuse not to see him.     Not that h...

The Soldier's Baby Bargain by Beth Kery

Because You Are Mine Part V: Because I Said So

It was as if something had happened back there in the car that she couldn’t understand. Some sort of nameless, thick tension seemed to fill the air between them. She would have thought it was the low pressure from the storm but knew it didn’t exude from rain clouds.     Ian wa...

Because You Are Mine Part V: Because I Said So by Beth Kery

Make Me Forget

She was used to hiding almost everything. Today was different though. She could have disguised her anxiety about her upcoming interview as easily as she could have ignored a provocative mathematical challenge.     “Don’t worry about it. It’ll be a piece of cake. Just focus on ...

Make Me Forget by Beth Kery

When I'm With You: The Complete Novel

His hand continued to move between her thighs, his finger sliding with ease in the delightfully lubricated valley between her labia, playing with her clit, prolonging her pleasure . . . coaxing more shudders from her firm, soft body.     He was going to eat her alive, she was ...

When I'm With You: The Complete Novel by Beth Kery

The Affair: Week 5

Damn this fog. There hadn’t been an available taxi for blocks. She’d finally ended up just walking the three-quarters of a mile from Noble Towers to the restaurant. Her feet were killing her after a long day’s work and rushing in heels. To make matters worse, her hair would be a disaster from the...

The Affair: Week 5 by Beth Kery

Only for You

Some of the uncertainty and strangling sexual tension she was feeling fractured when one of the joints in the armor squeaked in protest as he pulled her up off the couch. She met his stare and snorted with laughter. Smiling, he tapped on the back of her shoulder matter-of-factly.   &nbs...

Only for You by Beth Kery

The Affair: Week 2

Maureen Sanderson, the nurse on the day shift, greeted her wearily when she entered the suite.     “What’s wrong?” Emma asked.     “Cristina had a bad night,” Maureen explained in a hushed tone, glancing toward the bedroom. “I thought she was gone at least ...

The Affair: Week 2 by Beth Kery

When I'm With You: Part VII (2013)

“Are we picking something up?” Elise asked him as she trailed him down the long hallway past his office a few seconds later.     He glanced back to answer and his gaze remained glued to the sight of her. He’d never seen her lips and cheeks so pink. She was the very image of a ...

When I'm With You: Part VII (2013) by Beth Kery

Because You Are Mine Part IV: Because You Must Learn

She tangled her fingers in his hair, loving the texture. How did human beings manage to live and work and sleep and eat when so much distilled pleasure was available to them?     Perhaps he was the answer to her question. Everyone didn’t have such a talented, glorious lover av...

Because You Are Mine Part IV: Because You Must Learn by Beth Kery

Glow (2015)

Night had fallen. Alice had left her kids safely in the night supervisor’s charge. She and Kuvi sat in their luxurious cabin’s small living room area, still wearing their day’s camp attire. Her roommate was flabbergasted because Alice had just told her with whom she’d been spending her nights. &n...

Glow (2015) by Beth Kery

Flirting in Traffic

Rachel was the one who had set the stage for her impulsive, completely out of character behavior with all that insistence that Esa drive her glamorous fast car and plotting with Carla about that stupid flirting in traffic chat loop. She’d been planning for Esa to get some action.As if Esa wasn’t ...

Flirting in Traffic by Beth Kery

If You Come Back To Me (If You Come Back To Me #1)

When they’d first arrived, Ryan had suggested that Mari go upstairs and rest following her episode of dizziness. Mari had insisted she wasn’t an invalid, and that she wasn’t going to go lay down when her brother was just returning home from a yearlong tour of duty in Afghanistan. She scolded him ...

If You Come Back To Me (If You Come Back To Me #1) by Beth Kery

The Affair: Week 8

He grimaced, not seeing her car. Had she already left for work? He rethought his strategy for finding her. He’d talk to Amanda first. This time, he was better prepared to talk to her than he had been several days ago, when he’d still been be sideswiped by Emma’s refusal to see him again.  &n...

The Affair: Week 8 by Beth Kery

When I'm With You Part V: When You Submit

375 Hudson Street, New York, New York 10014, USA USA | Canada | UK | Ireland | Australia | New Zealand | India | South Africa | China Penguin Books Ltd., Registered Offices: 80 Strand, London WC2R 0RL, England For more information about the Penguin Group visit This is a work of fictio...

When I'm With You Part V: When You Submit by Beth Kery

If I Can't Let Go (If You Come Back To Me #2)

But mostly, he couldn’t find rest because he kept replaying in his mind what had happened in his bed with Natalie earlier—what she’d told him about being made into an outcast by her peers after the accident, the fury he’d experienced at the full comprehension of her suffering… What it felt like t...

If I Can't Let Go (If You Come Back To Me #2) by Beth Kery

On the Job

She’d forgotten her anger at Walker and even her sadness for Tony’s foolish, life-altering mistake. Nothing existed for Madeline in those moments that she was on the receiving end of the force of nature that was Walker Gray. His possession had been fierce, focused and forceful, but behind his sex...

On the Job by Beth Kery

Because I Could Not Resist (Because You Are Mine Part 2)

“Follow me to my bedroom,” Ian said. My bedroom. The words seemed to echo around her skull. She’d never been in this wing of the enormous condominium, she realized distractedly. She trailed behind him, feeling like a schoolgirl that had been caught red-handed. The undeniable anticipation she felt...

Because I Could Not Resist (Because You Are Mine Part 2) by Beth Kery

Claiming Colleen (2011)

Colleen Kavanaugh Sinclair shivered for the first five minutes of her swim, but by the time her internal clock told her it was time to turn back toward shore, the cool water felt delicious sliding against her heated skin.     Her swim off Sunset Beach was as much a part of her...

Claiming Colleen (2011) by Beth Kery

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