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Read Just One Night, Part 1: The Stranger

Just One Night, Part 1: The Stranger

Online Book

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Simon & Schuster, Inc.

Just One Night, Part 1: The Stranger - Plot & Excerpts

High ceilings, neutral colors. Even after the sky’s turned black, the dining room feels as if it’s being filled with soft sunlight. It’s what I need for this moment as I sit across from Dave. He’s talking to me about work, about family, about rubies—did I know that you can no longer directly deposit income into Swiss bank accounts and expect to avoid American taxes? Did I know that his mother just got a new mare whose coat is the exact color of a patchy gray sky? Did I know that rubies were actually more expensive than diamonds?
    The talk is light like the room. Among teasing reminders of the expense of his devotion he shares bits and pieces of his world with me never suspecting that I might be hiding bits and pieces of mine. Every word is spoken with the casual intimacy that comes with trust. And for a little while I forget that I can’t be trusted at all.
    But as the appetizers are replaced by entrées, and the entrées replaced with cappuccino and dessert, I find that acting is an exhausting hobby.

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