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Deborah Bladon books

Deborah Bladon
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Read Books by Deborah Bladon


Pulse - Part One (2000)

Omg what a brilliant ending. That dirty dog, Nathan. Can't wait to read the next book in this series to find out how he is going to dig is way out of this hole. I feel sorry for Jesse but at the same time I feel like she should have known better but than I really started to believe what he said t...

Pulse - Part One (2000) by Deborah Bladon

Pulse - Part Two (2014)

Right now I'm not all too happy as I'm not one for cliffhangers and we are only seeing one side of the character Jessica who is ridiculous at this point. I am hoping we get more of what is going on with Nathan in his head we know he's a jealous alpha but not getting much of him except the great s...

Pulse - Part Two (2014) by Deborah Bladon

Vain - Part One (2014)

Lacks depth. Main character Alexa isn't anything awesome. Actually her inner thoughts are just superficial. She had no depth. Noah.. Well I like that he's photographer .. And that's about it. The dialogue between the two is juvenile and repetitive. I like reading serials from authors I h...

Vain - Part One (2014) by Deborah Bladon

Ruin - Part One (2014)

I liked the start, but the conflict felt manufactured. Why won't either brother talk about their family? Oh, it was too painful, too traumatic. To explain to your fiance?!? Really? The secret, as much has been revealed so far, felt totally underwhelming compared to the energy expended in protecti...

Ruin - Part One (2014) by Deborah Bladon

Vain - Part Two (2014)

Well just when you thought you were loving Noah Foster, he went and did what he did at the end of part one. But after a moment to explain, Alexa sees the truth to his words. Too bad Becks shows up forcing Noah’s jealousy to appear. Now not only do these two have to battle his fear of going out...

Vain - Part Two (2014) by Deborah Bladon

Ruin - Part Two (2000)

Hands down, no one can write a dirty talking alpha male like Deborah Bladon. Since her cliffhangers are like painful hangovers for me (how does she get them out of those situations??), I held off until all 3 books were released. I'm glad I did because books 1 and 2 ended with the delightfully pre...

Ruin - Part Two (2000) by Deborah Bladon

Vain - Part Three (2014)

This series was very good. Short books packing a lot of story. Books 1 & 2 had great surprise endings making me immediately jump into the next book. I enjoyed Alexa's character, she was very likeable, loving kids and teaching, as well as a deep love for Noah. She was however a little wishy washy ...

Vain - Part Three (2014) by Deborah Bladon

Gone - Part One (2014)

Hilarious and ridiculous. An extra star for the creative/cringe-worthy use of the words "mound," "channel," and "thick root." You have a slut and boss who should be slapped with sexual harassment charges. In terms of comedy, I thought it was hilarious, if you're looking to get anything out of thi...

Gone - Part One (2014) by Deborah Bladon

Pulse - Part Three (2000)

Ok, now shyts gettin' cray cray up in here! There is so much wishy-washiness with the back n forth of you're lying, i want you, i don't want you, my head is spinning! It almost feels like Rebecca and Jessica are a couple of little sex fiends always suggesting to have sex with someone to get past...

Pulse - Part Three (2000) by Deborah Bladon

Ruin - Part Three (2000)

I really wanted to end with a bang but it didn't . It lost a little flair for me the huge what the actual fuck cliffy well was lost to me here? Noah seemed to into Kayla for being her bffs hubby to be and her actual bff Alexa has no clue what's going on I feel. I love Ben he is so perfect saving...

Ruin - Part Three (2000) by Deborah Bladon

Pulse - Part Four (2000)

If you read Obsessed you will get a taste of Nathan who is the main male character in this serial. From his interactions with Ivy, in Obsessed you think he seems like a decent man. Think again..... How he is portrayed in Pulse is quite different. He is a sl*t, manwhore, pig, disgusting, sex crave...

Pulse - Part Four (2000) by Deborah Bladon

Gone - Part Two (2014)

Clive Parker a man on a mission to get the woman he wants. Lilly a woman on a mission for success and healing. The assumption and misunderstanding that was in part one is cleared up and things start to go well. However, there is always a way to get revenge. When Lilly is on her way to get a s...

Gone - Part Two (2014) by Deborah Bladon

Spark (Heat #2)

"You should take this back, Chef." He steps closer, his gaze on my face. "Nothing has changed since I gave that to you." "I thought you might want it back." "Why?" he asks incredulously. "Has something changed between us?" Yes. My heart is opening and it's scaring the hell out of me, Chef.  ...

Spark (Heat #2) by Deborah Bladon

Pulse - Part Four (The Pulse Series)

"In here?" He doesn't break his gaze from his laptop screen.     "Christ, you're annoying as fuck sometimes," I tease. "Is that like a lawyer thing?" "Is what like a lawyer thing?" He reaches for a manila folder on his desk.     "That diverting thing you do...

Pulse - Part Four (The Pulse Series) by Deborah Bladon


I brace for the question. It's the same question I've heard from my family, from Crew, and before his death, even my grandfather sat me down and looked me in the eye before he asked it.     "You don't know who her mother is? How is that possible, Nolan?"              When you ...

RISK by Deborah Bladon

Obsessed: Part Two

"After that, I'll give you anything you want, beautiful." He brushes his lips against mine again and I inhale his scent. I could spend all day every day with this man in this bed.     "I want the contract to be done." I perch myself up on one elbow so I'm looking directly at h...

Obsessed: Part Two by Deborah Bladon

RISE - Part Two (The RISE Series Book 2)

"I know you can do it if you set your mind to it." I smile at the suggestion. Whenever I see my father in person I wish we lived closer to one another. He's spent most of the last hour telling me how incredibly proud he is of me. He even went so far as to tell me he called my mother to thank her ...

RISE - Part Two (The RISE Series Book 2) by Deborah Bladon

Vain - Part Two (The Vain Series Book 2)

"I had no idea." "What scar?" I ask tightly.     "The scar on his face." The words feel misplaced coming from her. I'd challenged her about her scar for the better part of a decade. She'd hidden it beneath baggy sweatshirts and high necked tops until Hunter helped her see the ...

Vain - Part Two (The Vain Series Book 2) by Deborah Bladon


The awning over the shop is doing very little to protect me from the downpour. I'm going to look like a pathetic drowned rat before I even get to his car. I turn towards the lot and I almost run face first into his chest. He's raced over to get me, an umbrella above us. I smile at the sweet gestu...

Exposed by Deborah Bladon

Exposed - Part Two (The Exposed Series, #2) (2014)

"He'll be here soon," I whisper while tapping out another text message to Hunter on my phone. Please get here soon. My dad is flipping out. "Who picked this place?" He brings the glass of scotch to his lips. "It's a bit too trendy for my taste." My mother ignores our conversation, her gaze plante...

Exposed - Part Two (The Exposed Series, #2) (2014) by Deborah Bladon

RUIN (The RUIN Series Book 1)

I almost choke on the mouthful of wine I'm trying to swallow. "What secret?" It's not a random question. When it comes to secrets, I'm hiding more than one.     "You're seeing someone, aren't you?" "Seeing as in dating?" Nice stall tactic, Kayla. You really expect that's going...

RUIN (The RUIN Series Book 1) by Deborah Bladon

VAIN (The VAIN Series)

I'm suddenly even more aware of how visible every inch of me is right now.     He teeters back on his heels trying to regain his footing on the mattress. "Whoa, calm down. It's just a question." I reach aimlessly for any part of a sheet that I can use to cover myself. I knew t...

VAIN (The VAIN Series) by Deborah Bladon

RUIN - Part Three (The RUIN Series Book 3)

"Shit, Kayla. I'm sorry." I nod. I'd watched all the color drain from his face when he answered his cell not more than two minutes ago. He'd barely responded after listening to whatever the person calling said to him. "Is it work?" "No." He reaches over the bed to pull his shirt from where it lan...

RUIN - Part Three (The RUIN Series Book 3) by Deborah Bladon

Exposed - Part Three (The Exposed Series, #3) (2014)

He explains in pointed detail what each dish contains. The smell of the food should be making my mouth water but al I feel is a deep and penetrating sense of nausea. No one speaks as they each eat in silence. I move the salad I ordered around on my plate, never once bringing the fork to my mouth....

Exposed - Part Three (The Exposed Series, #3) (2014) by Deborah Bladon

RISE - Part One (The RISE Series Book 1)

"You've really impressed me." They're the words I've been holding my breath to hear since I walked into his office fifteen minutes ago. I'd handed him a file folder and had sat quietly in a chair waiting while he read everything. He didn't stop once. His eyes had scanned every note I'd made. His ...

RISE - Part One (The RISE Series Book 1) by Deborah Bladon

RISE - Part Three (The RISE Series Book 3)

I arch a brow. "You're not nearly as handsome as your son."That draws a faint smile."Actually," I continue. "Both your sons are much better looking than you. They must resemble their mother." "Ah," he raises his index finger in the air. "You have yet to meet Anja. You're lucky." I can tell that h...

RISE - Part Three (The RISE Series Book 3) by Deborah Bladon

EMBER - Part Three (The EMBER Series, #3) (2015)

After we'd come back to my place, Dane had helped me into the shower and as he'd silently washed my hair and body, he'd stared at my face. I didn't ask him what he was thinking. I just stood quietly with my eyes locked onto his. He'd carried me to my bed after that and had kissed me until I was d...

EMBER - Part Three (The EMBER Series, #3) (2015) by Deborah Bladon


"How much do you think I'm worth?" "A buck ninety-nine on a good day." "Fuck you," he shoots back with a grin. "You're funny now, too? Who the hell is this woman you're sinking your dick into? She needs a goddamn medal."I've yet to introduce Isla formally to any of my family. She did have that aw...

Haze by Deborah Bladon

TRACE (The TRACE Series, #1) (2015)

"I think that is a sign that I shouldn't search for my birth mother." "A sign?" Zoe pulls her fork through the salad she's been picking at for the past fifteen minutes. "It's a sign that you're wasting time doing that. We need to take a road trip to Maine." I knew she'd say that. I thought it too...

TRACE (The TRACE Series, #1) (2015) by Deborah Bladon

RUIN - Part Two (The RUIN Series Book 2)

"I'm a very…" I dart my hand into the air and push it against his lips. "Don't say you're a very good doctor, Ben. I want a real answer." He pushes my hand into his lips, giving my palm a most kiss. "It's a real answer." "I want the scientific answer," I wince when I say the words. "No, that's no...

RUIN - Part Two (The RUIN Series Book 2) by Deborah Bladon

INFERNO (The HEAT Series Book 4)

"I'd say that it's too little and it's too late." I tap my hand against the counter of the makeshift kitchen on my set at the morning show. "You know I like this job. I can't come back to Nova now." "I know." He leans on his elbows as he watches me clean the vegetables for the dish I'll be prepar...

INFERNO (The HEAT Series Book 4) by Deborah Bladon


"I guess." I shrug my shoulders. "I hadn't really labeled it." "And you're good with him fucking a different woman every night of the week?" She pulls her lips across her teeth in a grimace.     "I'm not going to think about that," I lie. It's all I've thought about since I le...

Pulse by Deborah Bladon


"I just fucked you. I don't want to hear about how romantic my old man is right now." She buries her face in my shoulder to quiet her laughter. "He was six-years-old when he gave Opal that card." I point out as I run my fingers along her bare shoulder. "That wasn't romance. It's puppy love." "Pup...

Shiver by Deborah Bladon

FUSE (2015)

I came to my studio after watching Zoe through the window of the pub last night. I should have gone home to bed, but I wanted to come back to this space because she'd been here only hours earlier. I'd lain down on the couch trying to find sleep but it didn't work so I pulled out my paints, stood ...

FUSE (2015) by Deborah Bladon

BURN (The HEAT Series Book 1)

The wind catches the bottom of her dress and lucky for her, Tyler is there to grab hold of it and keep it in place.     "No mushrooms today, Pamela," he says as smooths the skirt of her dress. "Cadence is going to take us through each of the steps required for preparation of t...

BURN (The HEAT Series Book 1) by Deborah Bladon

VAIN - Part Three (The VAIN Series Book 3)

"They have an afterschool program that I've been helping with too." "That sounds great." He pulls a napkin over his lips as he finishes the last bite on his plate. "This was delicious. How'd you hear about this place?" "My friend went on a date there," I wince as the words leave my lips. "I mean ...

VAIN - Part Three (The VAIN Series Book 3) by Deborah Bladon

EMBER - Part Two (The EMBER Series Book 2)

"Dane, please." The only response is a growl through the moans that have been pouring from his lips since he undressed us both and got on his back on my bed. He'd gently guided me onto his face and now, after coming already once, I'm too tender. I'm so close to another orgasm that I can already f...

EMBER - Part Two (The EMBER Series Book 2) by Deborah Bladon

IMPULSE: Companion to The PULSE Series

  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is entirely coincidental. Names, characters, businesses, organizations, places, events and situations either are the product of the author's imagination or are used factiously.    ...

IMPULSE: Companion to The PULSE Series by Deborah Bladon

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