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Jennifer St. Giles books

Jennifer St. Giles
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Read Books by Jennifer St. Giles


Touch A Dark Wolf (2006)

Jennifer St. Giles begins a dazzling new series that takes you into a world of seductive shape shifters and mystical beings, and into the hearts of a band of heroic warriors known as The Shadowmen. . . . Yesterday, Erin Morgan worked for a pioneering Manhattan medical center. Today, she's on the...

Touch A Dark Wolf (2006) by Jennifer St. Giles

Darkest Dreams (2006)

Love can unite what rivalry attempts to tear apart. Or so Andromeda thought when she journeyed to Dartmoor's End to be with her sister, recently wed to the legendary Sean Killdaren. Andromeda is hopelessly drawn to Sean's estranged twin brother and rival, Alexander Killdaren, Viscount Blackmoor. ...

Darkest Dreams (2006) by Jennifer St. Giles

The Mistress of Trevelyan (2004)

The manor behind the mists....The man behind the mystery.In 1873 San Francisco, spirited Ann Lovell takes a position no one else dares -- as governess to the motherless sons of the enigmatic Benedict Trevelyan. It has long been whispered that Trevelyan Manor hides dark secrets and sinister deeds ...

The Mistress of Trevelyan (2004) by Jennifer St. Giles

His Dark Desires

Trevelyan said, pushing me back and rushing toward the yawning black water ahead."No." I ran after him. To the right, in the dark shadows beneath the trees, I heard weeping and the wild thrashing of foliage."Mignon!" Ginette also ran toward the river. Ahead of us, she didn't see Mr. Trevelyan and...

His Dark Desires by Jennifer St. Giles

Midnight Secrets

“I offer all that I am and all that I have to you.” Sliding my fingers from his, I cupped his cheek in my hand, feeling the rough texture of his evening beard, absorbing the warmth of his skin. “I fell in love with you the moment I saw your picture. I cannot deny you.” He surged to his feet, swee...

Midnight Secrets by Jennifer St. Giles

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