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Read Midnight Secrets

Midnight Secrets

Online Book

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Samhain Publishing, Ltd.

Midnight Secrets - Plot & Excerpts

“I offer all that I am and all that I have to you.”
Sliding my fingers from his, I cupped his cheek in my hand, feeling the rough texture of his evening beard, absorbing the warmth of his skin. “I fell in love with you the moment I saw your picture. I cannot deny you.”
He surged to his feet, sweeping me into his arms. “You’re mine. No excuses this time.” As before, he carried me swiftly down the short corridor to his bedchamber, but this time he set me gently upon his bed. Leaning down, he set his lips on mine. Reverently at first, then more demanding as the heady desire between us ignited and flamed to a scorching fire of need.
I pressed to him, wanting more, restless for things I’d never known. Groaning, he pulled at my buttons, impatiently pushing aside the rough wool to expose the wispy chemise that covered my breasts.
Sitting back, he gazed down at me, running his finger across my lips, down my neck, then splayed his hand against my chest. I felt branded by the heat of his touch and the potency of his gaze.

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